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Books by David Michie

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Religious & Inspirational Fiction

The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Art of Purring

by (Hay House LLC)

(2,784 reviews)

"What makes you purr? Of all the questions in the world, this is the most important... Because no matter whether you are a playful kitten or sedentary senior, whether you're a scrawny alley Tom, or sleek-coated uptown girl, whatever your circumstances you just want to be happy. Not the kind of happy that comes and goes like a can of flaked tuna, but an enduring happiness. The deep down happiness... See More

Length: 226 Pages (1,860 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£0.99 £1.99 Save 50% Price verified 20 hours ago
Politics & Social Sciences

Hurry Up and Meditate: Your Starter Kit for Inner Peace and Better Health


(229 reviews)

If meditation were available in capsule form, it would be the biggest selling drug of all time. It has been scientifically proven to deliver highly effective stress relief, boost our immune systems, and dramatically slow the aging process. It has also been shown to make us much happier and more effective thinkers. Given all the physical and psychological benefits, why aren't more of us doing it... See More

Length: 192 Pages (1,327 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£9.45 Price verified 10 hours ago

Buddhism for Busy People: Finding Happiness in a Hurried World

by (Shambhala)

(494 reviews)

In this simple and accessible but beautifully written book, David Michie opens the door to the core teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, and shows us how he himself first began incorporating Buddhist practices into his daily life. What does it take to be happy? We've all asked ourselves this question at some point, but few of us have found the path to lasting fulfillment. David Michie thought he had... See More

Length: 243 Pages (2,687 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£8.82 £8.94 Price verified 39 minutes ago
Religious & Inspirational Fiction

The Dalai Lama's Cat

by (Hay House Visions)

(6,826 reviews)

"In the months that followed I watched His Holiness working on a new book... I began to think that perhaps the time had come for me to turn my paws to a book of my own... one that tells my own tale... How I was rescued from a fate too grisly to contemplate, to become constant companion to a man who is not only one of the world's greatest spiritual leaders and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, but who... See More

Length: 241 Pages (2,876 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£0.78 £0.79 Price verified 10 hours ago

Instant Karma: The Day It Happened

by (Conch Books)

(657 reviews)

"Why doesn't everyone believe in karma?" Lama Tashi repeated the question with a mischievous twinkle. "The answer is very simple." He gazed at where his students relaxed on their meditation cushions in the candle-lit room. "It's because karma isn't instant. If cause was followed immediately by effect, there would be no question, no doubt." A wave of recognition passed, palpably through the... See More

Length: 374 Pages (2,045 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.68 Price verified 14 hours ago
Religion & Spirituality

The Magician of Lhasa (A Matt Lester Spiritual Thriller Book 1)

by (Conch Books)

(1,897 review)

When novice monk Tenzin Dorje is told by his lama that the Red Army is invading Tibet, his country's darkest moment paradoxically gives him a sense of purpose like no other. He accepts a mission to carry two ancient, secret texts across the Himalayas to safety. Half a century later, in a paradox of similarly troubling circumstances, Matt Lester is called upon to convey his own particular... See More

Length: 300 Pages (9,051 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.69 Price verified 16 hours ago
Religious & Inspirational Fiction

The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Power of Meow

by (Hay House LLC)

(1,786 review)

"If you ever doubted that your feline companion has her own inner life, just watch what happens when she falls asleep, and loses conscious control of her physical being... a twitching of limbs, a quivering of the jaw, sometimes perhaps a snuffling noise or a meow... Cats may indeed be capable of great mindfulness. But we are thinking beings, too. In my own case, unfortunately, a being who thinks... See More

Length: 217 Pages (2,869 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£1.99 Price verified 3 hours ago

The Queen's Corgi: On Purpose

by (Conch Books)

(733 reviews)

'Wouldn't it be wonderful if newspapers did more to share stories and insights that were really meaningful? Things that might help people lead more purposeful lives.' The Queen glanced over at him, uncertainly. 'Tricky business, persuading the media to lift their sights from terror and trivia. Every one of us has tried.' Pushing myself up so that I was balancing on my rear end, I fixed Kate... See More

Length: 229 Pages (1,065 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£0.78 £0.99 Save 21% Price verified 4 hours ago
Health & Fitness

Why Mindfulness is Better than Chocolate: Your guide to inner peace, enhanced focus and deep happiness

by (Allen & Unwin)

(93 reviews)

A beginner's guide to the powerful practice of mindfulness. By reclaiming the present moment with mindfulness practice, you can improve performance and increase wellbeing - and improve chocolate too! Mindfulness practice can help you reduce stress, improve performance, manage pain and increase wellbeing. These are the reasons why elite athletes, performing artists and business leaders are... See More

Length: 220 Pages (861 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£5.99 £6.00 Price verified 20 hours ago
Genre Fiction

The Dalai Lama’s Cat Awaken the Kitten Within


(765 reviews)

The Dalai Lama's Cat at her most powerful and poignant best! As kittens we feel it often. All it takes is a wind-blown feather, an unexpected delicacy, or the alluring rush of water and instantly we are caught up in it: Wonderment. Enchantment. Being fully absorbed in the here and now. By the time we reach senior status, way beyond the point of being impressed by such trivia, we have become... See More

Length: 201 Pages (3,091 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.67 Price verified 21 hours ago
Religion & Spirituality

The Dalai Lama's Cat and The Four Paws of Spiritual Success (Dalai Lama's Cat Series Book 4)

by (Conch Books)

(1,487 review)

The Dalai Lama's Cat is back: irreverent, vain -- and as delightfully insightful as ever! "If you're wondering how being in the presence of an enlightened person may be communicated on the pages of book written by a flawed and complex -- if extremely beautiful -- cat, let me confess that my only job here is to offer you a mirror. A looking glass of a particular kind. One that reflects back not... See More

Length: 174 Pages (2,988 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.63 Price verified 20 hours ago

The Astral Traveler’s Handbook & Other Tales (Bedtime Buddha 1)

by (Conch Books)

(356 reviews)

"Whatever dreams he was having, Jason knew they had nothing to do with his physical body. His eyes were firmly shut and his consciousness withdrawn from his senses when all this was going on. Yet in his dreams he experienced sights, sounds and even visceral sensations much more intensely than when he was awake. From this he understood that you didn't need a physical body to see, or smell, or... See More

Length: 230 Pages (2,375 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.78 Price verified 15 hours ago
Religion & Spirituality

The Secret Mantra (A Matt Lester Spiritual Thriller Book 2)

by (Conch Books)

(719 reviews)

In a remote, Himalayan monastery, Matt Lester has devoted five years of spiritual preparation for this moment: it is his destiny to open an ancient, sealed scroll containing prophetic wisdom the world urgently needs. But when his time comes, violent assailants steal the scroll. Matt is caught up in a dangerous, high-stakes hunt to recover it, turning him from the pursuer to the pursued. On the... See More

Length: 261 Pages (5,220 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.93 Price verified 5 hours ago
Crime, Thriller & Mystery

Conflict of Interest


(47 reviews)

Chris Treiger would never forget the eight words that changed his life. As soon as he heard the ebullient voice at the other end of the phone, he'd wondered how to cut short the call. Bill Brewster, a high-pressure PR head-hunter, had been hounding him for weeks about a phenomenal career opportunity, paying vast sums of money, for which he was ideally suited. Chris had heard it all before... See More

Length: 328 Pages (2,411 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.51 Price verified one day ago

Buddhism for Busy People: Finding happiness in an uncertain world


(479 reviews)

The story of how a corporate communications consultant discovered Buddhism is woven through this bestselling, simply written, inspiring introduction to meditation practice and Buddhist philosophy. What does it take to be happy? We've all asked ourselves this question at some point, but few of us have found the path to lasting fulfillment. David Michie thought he had achieved his life's goals... See More

Lending: Not Enabled

£5.49 Price verified 9 hours ago
Religion & Spirituality

Enlightenment to Go: Shantideva and the Power of Compassion to Transform Your Life

by (Wisdom Publications)

(13 reviews)

Essential reading for those seeking life-changing psychological tools and transcendent wisdom, Enlightenment to Go provides a lively and accessible introduction to the 'best of' Shantideva. With warmth, humor, and stories of his own experiences, author David Michie shows how modern psychological science confirms Shantideva's insights, and he explores powerful antidotes to contemporary problems... See More

Length: 286 Pages (760 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£7.99 Price verified 20 hours ago
Religious & Inspirational Fiction

The Dalai Lama’s Cat and the Claw of Attraction

by (Conch Books)

(309 reviews)

The Dalai Lama regarded their flushed, animated faces, his forehead wrinkling. "The materialist approach," he nodded. "Seeking to change what you believe to be entirely outside you. It has many problems. For example, why must you constantly postpone your happiness?" India's Top Ten Social Influencers Under 30 were taken aback by this question. Staring at him, their eyes filled with consternation... See More

Length: 204 Pages (3,163 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

£4.90 Price verified 15 hours ago
Showing Results 1 - 17